Cindy Scharkey November 8, 2018 Sex, Communication, Women Answering your questions: Orgasm Cindy Scharkey November 8, 2018 Sex, Communication, Women What is an orgasm, how do I make it happen and other frequently questions from women about the Big O!
Cindy Scharkey September 10, 2018 Sex, Women The clitoris - it's a network! Cindy Scharkey September 10, 2018 Sex, Women Fun fact: The word clitoris is thought to come from the Greek word, kleis, a key. It’s the key to unlocking the door to pleasure.
Cindy Scharkey August 20, 2018 parents, Communication The shared journal Cindy Scharkey August 20, 2018 parents, Communication A shared journal is one way to open the doors for communication and conversation with your child.
Cindy Scharkey July 11, 2018 Book review, parents Book Review: The Period Book by: Karen + Jennifer Gravelle Cindy Scharkey July 11, 2018 Book review, parents This little paperback has solid information, is easy to read and can be a worthwhile option in your family library.
Cindy Scharkey June 18, 2018 Sex, Communication, Women, parents Breaking the silence Cindy Scharkey June 18, 2018 Sex, Communication, Women, parents I left my nursing clinical position to pursue the passion of my heart: to teach and speak to women about their bodies, sex, intimacy and parenting our children through their growing sexuality.
Cindy Scharkey June 18, 2018 Book review, Women, Cindy's picks Book review: Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D Cindy Scharkey June 18, 2018 Book review, Women, Cindy's picks Come As You Are is one of the best books I have read on women and sex.
Cindy Scharkey June 14, 2018 Book review, parents Book review: I am Confident, Brave & Beautiful by Hopscotch Girls Cindy Scharkey June 14, 2018 Book review, parents I have always been a fan of coloring for kids and adults alike, and I am even more of a fan of confidence-builders for girls!