
Orgasm: answering your questions

Fact: About 80% of women do not reliably orgasm with intercourse alone.


All about lube

Adequate lube reduces friction, and too much friction can cause discomfort or pain. Reducing friction can also increase pleasure, so adding a personal lubricant into your sex life can enhance it!


Is pain during sex normal?

Painful sex is never normal. Take a step toward finding out what is going on with your body. You do not have to give up on sex!

Resources for parents


Be your kid’s sex educator


conversation starters

Your questions. My answers.


Why don’t I want to have sex as much as my partner?

If more couples understood the concept of desire styles, there’d be a lot less conflict and a lot more sex!


How can I more easily reach orgasm?

The key is your clitoris. It has one function: pleasure.


Got any ideas for foreplay?

Sex can be playful, fun and make you laugh together! Here are some ideas to get you started.

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